In contrast, the 2012 coverage for Tdap increased to 85% and MCV4, to 74%. It has been suggested that the higher coverage of Tdap and MCV may be due to the 40 and 13 states, respectively, that require them for middle school entry.
The disparity in coverage between Tdap and other vaccines suggests there are numerous missed opportunities to vaccinate adolescents. Data revealed that missed opportunities for girls increased from 20.8% in 2007 to 84% in 2012. If all missed opportunities had been eliminated, HPV coverage for at least one dose could have reached 92.6%.Almost 25% of parents indicated that they had no plan to immunize their daughter. The top reasons parents stated for not immunizing their daughters included: not needed or necessary, 19.1%; not recommended by provider, 14.2%; safety concerns, 13.3%; lack of knowledge, 12.6%; and not sexually active, 10.1%. (MMWR 2013;62:591-5).
Vaccine safety also was addressed. All reported adverse events were consistent with prelicensure clinical trial data. Ninety two percent of all adverse events were nonserious and included syncope, dizziness, nausea, and fever. Reports peaked in 2008 and have declined each year thereafter.
Challenges for HPV prevention
Improving immunization coverage is critical. There are numerous strategies to increase coverage including reminder recall systems, standing orders, and educating parents, patients, health care providers, and office staff who interact with parents. Education should reemphasize why immunization is initiated at 11-12 years and that completion of the series is recommended by 13 years. School requirements have always led to an increase in vaccination coverage. Only the District of Columbia has one for HPV. In this case, eliminating missed opportunities is crucial. It is estimated that for every year coverage is delayed, an additional 4,400 women will develop cervical cancer. The reality is that the burden of HPV-related cancers will persist if coverage is not increased.
As Louis Pasteur once said, "When meditating over a disease, I never think of finding a remedy for it, but, instead a means of preventing it."
For additional resources to assist with discussions about HPV, click here.
Dr. Word is a pediatric infectious disease specialist and director of the Houston Travel Medicine Clinic. She said she had no relevant financial disclosures. E-mail her at Scan this QR code or visit