
AAP warns Senate: ‘Unfettered’ e-cigarette marketing targets kids



"Simply stated, children and teens should not be ‘guinea pigs’ as we await more research," Sen. Rockefeller said. Noting that the tobacco control law’s restrictions don’t currently cover e-cigarettes, he summed it up this way: "A loophole in the law. A chance to rake in cash. Worry about the kids later."

Matthew L. Myers, president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, testified that e-cigarettes, properly regulated, might help regular tobacco smokers quit. But he said the government’s failure to act swiftly to regulate e-cigarettes and "irresponsible actions" by companies have created a market that has "outpaced the science." He accused the e-cigarette industry of using the same tactics as those used by Big Tobacco for 50 years, including "cool" characters, cartoons, and themes of freedom and sex. "To this day, the tobacco industry doesn’t admit to running a single ad targeting kids," he said.

Unless something is done, the United States faces "a potential tsunami" of e-cigarette marketing, Mr. Myers said. "Flavors like Cinnamon Bun, being sold over the Internet with virtually no controls ... [T]here is an urgent need for the government to step in and help our kids."


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