Atopic Dermatitis
Hypochlorite wash may help pediatric atopic dermatitis
Key clinical point: A gel cleanser appeared to be a potentially effective and convenient alternative to bleach baths for children with atopic...
Desonide hydrogel improved itching in atopic dermatitis
Key clinical point: Many atopic dermatitis patients object to applying ointments, and a water-based gel offered a nongreasy, effective alternative...
Desonide hydrogel improved itching in atopic dermatitis
Key clinical point: Many atopic dermatitis patients object to applying ointments, and a water-based gel offered a nongreasy, effective alternative...
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Atopic dermatitis update taps top therapy choices
New atopic dermatitis therapies offer alternatives to topical steroids
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Online and in-person care fostered similar improvements in atopic dermatitis symptoms
Key clinical point: Patients may be willing to pay out of pocket in return for expedited and effective care without traveling, waiting, or missing...
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Peanut reactivity returned if exposure delayed after immunotherapy
Major finding: Reactivity to peanuts returned in none of the 16 patients who avoided peanuts for 1 month after oral immunotherapy and in three of...
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Food allergy overdiagnosed with IgE tests
Major finding: Food allergy testing identified a new allergen in 5% of 184 patients in whom testing was not warranted and in 42% of 90 patients in...
Childhood atopic dermatitis persists into adolescence and beyond
Major finding: At every age studied (2-26 years), more than 80% of participants had experienced symptoms of atopic dermatitis or had used atopic...
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Phytoestrogens may prevent, treat asthma and allergy
Major finding: For every natural log increase in urinary enterolactone, the odds of asthma decrease by 8%.Data Source: The National Health and...