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Systemic JIA and AOSD are the same disease, EULAR says
New recommendations state that the ultimate goal of treatment should be drug-free remission.
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Is education or screening better for type 1 diabetes?
Despite the impressive data from the FR1DA study, not all diabetes experts are convinced that a general screening for type 1 diabetes would be...
Letters from Maine
A glimmer of an answer to long COVID
When we are trying to discover what is making our patients sick, we must adhere to our traditional practice of taking a good and thorough history...
How physician-inventors create new, life-saving products
“You go around the room, and every doctor would have five ideas that would make them the richest doctor, but nobody takes it beyond that stage –...
Latest News
West Nile virus cases rising nationwide amid mosquito season
In 2022, there were 1,126 cases, including 90 deaths.
News from the FDA/CDC
FDA OKs empagliflozin for children with type 2 diabetes
This approval represents only the second oral treatment option for children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes after metformin.
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Warts difficult to eradicate in immunocompromised children
Warts completely resolved with treatment in only 24% of children undergoing active cancer treatment.
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Prognostic factors of SCCs in organ transplant recipients worse compared with general population
SCCs developed most frequently on the head/neck in organ transplant recipients and on the arms/hands in the general population.
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Hold Ozempic before surgery to optimize patient safety?
“It’s a really hot issue now. We are getting emails from our members looking for guidance.”
From the Journals
Father’s influence impacts whether their infant is breastfed, follows safe sleeping practices
The results suggest that including fathers in conversations about breastfeeding and infant sleep practices could help improve adherence.
ID Consult
Bordetella parapertussis reemerges as a cause of respiratory illness in children
Testing is the only way to reliably distinguish between Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis.