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VIDEO: Registry study will follow 4,000 fecal transplant patients for 10 years
CHICAGO – The AGA Fecal Microbiota Transplantation National Registry will be the first study to assess short- and long-term patient outcomes...
From the Journals
HCV incidence in young women doubled from 2006 to 2014
The incidence of hepatitis C infection in reproductive-age women doubled from 2006 and 2014, while the number of acute cases increased more than...
Breaking through the fog of opioid addiction
The grip that opioid addiction has on adolescents often resembles that on addicted adults. They crave the next high at all costs.
Restoring the promise of (really) meaningful use
2017 marks the end of Meaningful Use under Medicare, replaced by an initiative called Advancing Care Information.
From the Journals
Two doses HPV vaccine are as good as three against genital warts
Although two doses of HPV vaccine appears as effective as three doses against genital warts, what about cervical dysplasia?
House barely passes ACA repeal/replace bill
The bill passed May 4 by a 217-213 margin, with one Republican member not voting
Executive order aims to reform specialized visa program
The executive order will have no immediate effect on foreign physicians, according to experts.
Conference Coverage
HHS Secretary Price promises reduced health IT burden for physicians
WASHINGTON – Simplifying federal regulations around EHR interoperability is crucial as well.
GOP health reform: Essential health benefits, community rating under fire
Republicans are taking a second run at the plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
White House pick for mental health czar causes stir
The congressman who crafted the legislation creating the role of a U.S. mental health czar criticizes the president’s choice for the role.
Conference Coverage
WHO’s malaria pilot vaccine: No silver bullet, but a potential strike at malaria’s heart
Somewhat effective malaria vaccine in pilot project could still save many lives.