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News from the FDA/CDC
FDA approves first-ever agent to delay type 1 diabetes onset
Teplizumab delayed progression to clinical type 1 diabetes by about 2 years compared with placebo in individuals destined to develop the condition...
From the Journals
HIV: Greater parental involvement needed with young men who have sex with men
“The goal was to get parents to deliver more messages and engage in more behaviors with their sons that we think are likely to help their sons...
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Residents react: Has residency become easier or overly difficult?
One respondent called the pass/fail change a “total game-changer,” as it lets applicants apply to all specialties while having other...
From the Journals
Celiac disease linked to higher risk for rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis
“I hope that our study can ultimately change clinical practice by lowering the threshold to evaluate celiac disease patients for inflammatory...
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Electrolyte disturbances a harbinger of eating disorders?
Electrolyte abnormalities were seen well ahead – more than a year – of the time when patients were diagnosed with eating disorders.
Don’t let amoxicillin shortage go to waste, antibiotic stewards say
The amoxicillin shortage stands out because of how widely the drug is used and the fact that the shortage appears to have been sparked by an...
Doctors urge screening for autoimmune disorders for patients with celiac disease
At least in some cases, people with one autoimmune disorder should be tested for others, celiac disease specialists say.
From the Journals
Hiccups in patients with cancer often overlooked, undertreated
When poorly controlled, persistent hiccups can affect a patient's quality of life.
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Patient harm, not malpractice, top of mind for emergency medicine physicians
Fear-of-harm and fear-of-suit scores decreased as providers gained experience, in general, a new study finds.
Conference Coverage
Is there a doctor on the plane? Tips for providing in-flight assistance
Tools in a physician’s in-flight toolbox start with the first-aid kit.
From the Journals
RSV causes 1 in 50 deaths in children under age 5: European study
In developed nations, children who get RSV usually survive because they have access to ventilators and other health care equipment. Still, just...