There was a nonsignificant trend for an increasing infection rate with greater exposure to adalimumab, which will require evaluation during the ongoing follow-up beyond 52 weeks, said Dr. Papp, president of Probity Medical Research in Waterloo, Ont.
“I think what’s gratifying about this is we see that these children actually have a robust response and that response is maintained over a full year of treatment, which is reassuring because that reflects what we’ve seen in the adult population as well,” he said.
Dr. Papp and Dr. Thaci receive research funding and serve as scientific advisers to AbbVie, which sponsored the adalimumab trial. They also have ties to other pharmaceutical companies.
Dr. Langley has served as principal investigator for and is on the scientific advisory boards of Amgen, which sponsored the etanercept pediatric psoriasis study. He also has ties to other pharmaceutical companies.