Romosozumab gets FDA approval for treating osteoporosis


The Food and Drug Administration approved romosozumab-aqqg (Evenity) for treating osteoporosis in postmenopausal women who are at high risk for fracture.

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“These are women who have a history of osteoporotic fracture or multiple risk factors or have failed other treatments for osteoporosis,” according to a news release from the agency.

The monthly treatment of two injections (given one after the other at one visit) mainly works by increasing new bone formation, but these effects wane after 12 doses. If patients still need osteoporosis therapy after that maximum of 12 doses, it’s recommended they are put on treatments that reduce bone breakdown. Romosozumab-aqqg is “a monoclonal antibody that blocks the effects of the protein sclerostin,” according to the news release.

The treatment’s efficacy and safety was evaluated in two clinical trials of more than 11,000 women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. In one trial, women received 12 months of either romosozumab-aqqg or placebo. The treatment arm had a 73% lower risk of vertebral fracture than did the placebo arm, and this benefit was maintained over a second year when both groups were switched to denosumab, another osteoporosis therapy. In the second trial, one group received romosozumab-aqqg for 1 year and then a year of alendronate, and the other group received 2 years of alendronate, another osteoporosis therapy, according to the news release. In this trial, the romosozumab-aqqg arm had 50% less risk of vertebral fractures than did the alendronate-only arm, as well as reduced risk of nonvertebral fractures.

Romosozumab-aqqg was associated with higher risks of cardiovascular death, heart attack, and stroke in the alendronate trial, so the treatment comes with a boxed warning regarding those risks and recommends that the drug not be used in patients who have had a heart attack or stroke within the previous year, according to the news release. Common side effects include joint pain and headache, as well as injection-site reactions.

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