
Reproductive psychiatry during the COVID-19 pandemic


Preservation of sleep

Disruption in sleep (duration and quality) can be seen in well over half of women during pregnancy with and without psychiatric disorders, and our experience has been that this has been exacerbated for many women during the COVID-19 crisis. Yet there are very rich data showing that sleep deprivation or sleep dysregulation in women, for example, who suffer from bipolar disorder or major depression can be a strong trigger for psychiatric relapse of underlying illness during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

During a time when normal rhythms of day-to-day life have been shifted – if not frankly disrupted – by swift transitions to remote work, cancellation of school and associated school activities across the country, complaints of insomnia and non-restorative sleep have been exceedingly common. Relevant to all but particularly for pregnant women with histories of psychiatric disorder, attention to sleep hygiene, moderation of caffeine use (if any), and use of any number of biobehavioral interventions to enhance relaxation and modulate stress may be of great value.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) has been demonstrated to be effective in pregnant women. Fortunately, there are user-friendly options on digital platforms that can be used during the pandemic that may play an important role in sustaining emotional well-being for pregnant women who have frank symptoms of insomnia.

Maintenance of ongoing antidepressant treatment during pregnancy among women with histories of mood disorder

Over a decade ago, my colleagues and I wrote about the comparison of outcomes for women with histories of recurrent major depression, demonstrating the value of maintenance treatment with antidepressants, compared with discontinuation of these medications during pregnancy (JAMA. 2006 Feb 1;295[5]:499-507). Recently, I was asked if maintenance antidepressant use in women with histories of recurrent depression was still our clinical recommendation. Over the last decade, we have noted that nearly half of women treated with antidepressants, regardless of illness severity, will discontinue their use of these medications prior to or early on in pregnancy given concerns about potential unknown effects of fetal exposure to medications, even medications for which there are robust data supporting reproductive safety regarding risk of congenital malformations. Routine discontinuation of antidepressants prior to or during pregnancy continues, despite the fact that we showed nearly 70% of those women with past histories of depression on maintenance antidepressant treatment relapsed shortly after discontinuing medication.

While we do not dictate the decisions women make about antidepressant use before, during, or after pregnancy, women with the same severity of illness will frequently make different decisions (a good thing) but we are now having very frank discussions about the particular need during a pandemic to avoid the relapse of serious psychiatric disorders. We typically endorse maintenance medication use with all but a very few number of psychotropic medications for which benefit may not outweigh risk to the fetus. However, for women who have decided nonetheless to discontinue antidepressants or other psychotropics during pregnancy despite the known risk of relapse, we strongly advise that they initiate treatment with evidence-based nonpharmacologic intervention such as CBT or mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).

As in other areas of medicine, the pandemic is prompting we professionals in psychiatry, and specifically in perinatal psychiatry, to use all of our tools to keep pregnant and postpartum women well. The availability of digital tools to deliver MBCT and CBT has made the use of such interventions particularly viable at a time of social distancing. That being said, for patients with highly recurrent affective disorder with histories of previous recurrence when they stop their antidepressants, we are more strongly recommending serious consideration of maintenance medication treatment.

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