Progress in diversity
Rheumatology as a field is attracting more candidates and all races and genders, Dr. Bose said. “I think in the coming years we will see more and more women from minorities being incorporated into the rheumatology workforce.”
Others would like to see further improvements in diversity and attracting women from historically excluded backgrounds. Patients will benefit from rheumatologists who are able to connect with them through shared languages, cultures, and other life experiences, Dr. Liew said. “It is imperative that we work on recruitment, mentorship, and retention in this regard.”
While the representation of women of color is still inadequate, there has been some progress, Dr. Sandhu said. The number of female Hispanic, Latinx, and Black or African American graduates from medical school has seen a steady rise since 2017. And, AAMC has established task forces such as the Women of Color Initiative to identify strategies for furthering the careers of women of color in academic medicine.
“There’s still a lot of room to grow. I am, however, proud to say we will finally have a woman of color as the president of ACR in 2023,” said Dr. Sandhu, referring to Deborah Dyett Desir, MD.
Dr. Desir discussed the importance of diversifying the ACR in a recent interview.
All rheumatologists know that there is a place for them in the ACR, she stressed. “The demographics of our membership should reflect that of our population.”
As growth in diverse representation occurs, so will recruitment, retention, and a greater awareness and distribution of knowledge and means to address implicit biases and microaggressions, Dr. Sandhu said. “We will see a greater quality of health care, where patients may feel more connected to someone they can identify with.”
Looking ahead
Dr. Alarcón expects women to continue to play a major role in rheumatology, not just in research, education, and patient care but in leadership of academic societies and professional organizations.
“Women in rheumatology have come a long way – a piece of history that I have been fortunate to witness from my beginnings in the early 1970s. We have, I think, paved the way for the next generations of leaders in our beloved specialty field.”
Dr. Bolster is a member of the ACR board of directors and board liaison of the ACR Workforce Solutions Committee. Dr. Ramsey-Goldman has been a GlaxoSmithKline consultant for lupus studies, a consultant and site investigator with Exagen Diagnostics for lupus biomarker studies, and a site investigator for Xencor and Horizon Pharma lupus trials. Dr. Sandhu serves on the ACR’s Committee on Rheumatology Training and Workforce Issues.
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Pioneer days of rheumatology: One veteran looks back
Patricia Woo, CBE, FMedSci, FRCP, has seen it all.
As a member of the British Rheumatology Society and fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, she presented the case for and obtained official training approval for pediatric rheumatology in the 1990s. She also set the wheels in motion to form the Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation and the Paediatric Rheumatology European Society.
Now 74, Dr. Woo remembers the discrimination she faced in the 1970s. “I was told I couldn’t become an investigator or consultant if I were to marry or have children.” Around the same time, she found out a male clinician researcher didn’t want to work with her, not because of her qualifications, but because she was a woman.
That wouldn’t happen now with all the antidiscrimination laws in place, noted Dr. Woo, an emeritus professor of pediatric rheumatology and previous head of the Centre for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology at UCL, London. Looking at the advances made by women in rheumatology, “there’s a major difference between 3 decades ago and today. If anyone discriminates today, they are called out.”
As the founding president of the Paediatric Rheumatology European Society, Dr. Woo is one of many early trailblazers who weathered many changes and made gains in the profession.
It’s important to recognize the work of Barbara Ansell, MD, the founder of pediatric rheumatology in the Canadian Red Cross Memorial Hospital, said Dr. Woo. Back in the 1960s, this wasn’t even a subspecialty. “Sick kids in general were taken either to pediatricians who didn’t know much about undescribed rheumatological conditions, and rheumatologists who didn’t know or have facilities for pediatric care.”
Dr. Ansell started this work, and Dr. Woo took over when she retired. With her colleagues, she set up a syllabus for pediatric rheumatology to formalize training for all junior doctors. This established a model of multidisciplinary clinical care and research. “Over the years, more women doctors have been attracted to pediatric rheumatology and have done well,” she said.
The rise of female leaders in rheumatology over the past few decades has been exponential, she continued. Women have become presidents of rheumatologic societies. Some established themselves as leaders in specific disciplines.
Carol Black, MD, from the United Kingdom is renowned for her international collaborative work in scleroderma research and clinical care. Patience White, MD in Washington, D.C., started research on the process of transitioning from childhood to adolescent to adult clinical care, a discipline that now has a strong international presence, Dr. Woo said.
The European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology, which created a task force on gender equity in academic rheumatology, is evolving, she continued. The Academy of Medical Sciences in the United Kingdom also has active gender equality and mentoring programs, including a program to boost the careers of all researchers.
It’s also much easier now for women to become lead authors on papers since many are heads of lab or clinical services, Dr. Woo continued. “I don’t think there’s much discrimination if you’re a good clinician, and/or a good scientist. If women do their work well, they get the appropriate acknowledgment.”