Most Americans favor an employer-based health insurance system, according to the results of a survey conducted by the Commonwealth Fund.
More than two-thirds of Americans who took part would favor a mandate for individuals to obtain health insurance in an effort to provide universal coverage.
The Democratic candidates would require employers to offer coverage to employees or pay for part of their coverage. The Republicans are proposing tax code changes to reduce employers' role in health insurance, according to a Commonwealth Fund analysis.
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) supports an individual insurance mandate, while Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) would mandate coverage for all children. Republican presidential nominee presumptive Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) does not propose an individual insurance mandate, according to the Commonwealth Fund.
From June to October 2007, the Commonwealth Fund conducted a telephone survey of 3,501 adults aged 19 years and older. About 81% of respondents said employers should either provide health insurance or contribute to a fund to cover all Americans. Support for this was high regardless of political affiliation, race, gender, age, and income.
Overall, 68% of respondents strongly or somewhat favor a mandate that all individuals get health insurance; 25% strongly or somewhat opposed; 7% didn't know, or refused to answer. When asked who should pay for health insurance for all Americans, 66% favored a system in which costs would be shared by individuals, employers, and the government.
About 15% said it should be mostly government financed; 8% said it should be paid mostly by employers; 6% said individuals should pay; 5% said they didn't know, or refused to answer.