Rheum for Action
Will ‘gold card’ legislation and others rein in prior authorizations?
“Gold card” legislation already passed or in the works in several states has potential to reduce prior authorization burdens on clinicians, but...
One weird trick to fight burnout
Why do some older workers recharge daily and carry on while many younger ones say the daily grind is burning them out?
Student loan forgiveness plans exclude physicians
Further weakening forgiveness plans for physicians has been two caps proposed by the administration in recent days.
More practice merger options
When joining any group, read the agreement carefully for any clauses that might infringe on your clinical judgment.
It’s time to shame the fat shamers
Do you have chairs suitable for patients with obesity? A scale that measures up to high weights that’s in a private location? Appropriately sized...
Merging small practices
A little planning and negotiation can prevent a lot of grief, regret, and legal expenses in the future.
The work after work
Are you a super doer, reluctant doer, admin denier, or admin avoider?
We all struggle with the unwritten rules of medical culture
If someone treats you poorly for not knowing something, you are not an idiot.
Does hustling equate to success?
Hustle culture refers to the embracing of work as a lifestyle such that it takes over other important aspects of your life – in other words, when...
How social drivers of health lead to physician burnout
Yes, Russian docs should be shut out of medical associations, says ethicist
The reason to break the ties is that that is the way to bring pressure upon Putin and his kleptocratic, oligarchic advisers to stop the attack, to...