Lupus & Connective Tissue Diseases
Conference Coverage
Antimalarial Response in CLE Takes Time
Pregnancy in Lupus Poses Unique Challenges
Rheumatologic Serologies Can Be a Confounding Quagmire
Giant Cell Arteritis: Temporal Artery Biopsy Trumps ACR Criteria
Biopsy Must Guide Lupus Nephritis Management
Conference Coverage
Collagenase Might Be a First-Line Treatment for Dupuytren's Contractures
Major Finding: The first injection of collagenase C. histolyticum into palpable cords of Dupuytren’s contracture resulted in a mean 81% reduction...
Conference Coverage
Serious CNS Events in Lupus Seen in Only 4% of Cases
Conference Coverage
Chloroquine Eyed for Treating Metabolic Syndrome
Major Finding: Once-weekly chloroquine resulted in an 11% reduction in triglycerides, a 7% decrease in the total cholesterol–HDL cholesterol ratio...
Genotypes in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis May Guide Therapy
Lupus Severity May Contribute Significantly to Heart Damage
Major finding: Cyclophosphamide use is a marker of disease severity that correlates with risk of cardiovascular events in lupus patients (odds...
Conference Coverage
Seizures Hit 5% of SLE Patients
Major Finding: Nearly 5% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus had at least one seizure immediately before or after they were diagnosed...