What is high-value care and how can it be achieved? Overuse of clinical tests and diagnostic procedures, largely driven by concerns about missing unusual but potentially significant diagnoses, drives health care costs and can result in worrisome incidental findings.
Dr. Hyung “Harry” Cho, a hospitalist and assistant professor of medicine at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York, has launched the Overuse Clinical Case Morbidity and Mortality (OCCAM’s) Conference to attack the problem of clinical overuse from a new perspective. Dr. Cho and his colleagues have turned the traditional morbidity and mortality conference on its head by addressing overuse as a medical error and using the conference as a forum to discuss which practical steps should be taken to improve quality of care while avoiding overuse of tests.
In this video interview, Dr. Cho – along with other key members of the OCCAM’s team – discuss the initiative’s inception, the importance of workgroups in implementing quality improvement initiatives from the ground up, and how to advance the conversation to define high-value care.