Glenoid Component Translation
Mean (SD) glenoid translation was significantly lower for fully cemented fixation, 0.10 (0.04) mm, than for interference-fit fixation, 0.13 (0.04) mm (P < .001), and hybrid cement fixation, 0.13 (0.03) mm (P < .001), with all time points considered. There was no significant difference between interference-fit and hybrid fixation (P = .343). Initial translation at cycle 1 was significantly higher for interference-fit and hybid fixation than for fully cemented fixation.
Despite advances in glenoid component design, glenoid loosening remains the most common cause of anatomical TSA failure. Recent implants have been designed to take advantage of an all-polyethylene component while providing long-lasting fixation through bony ingrowth into a central peg. In a study of the hybrid cementation technique drescribed here, Groh17 found no glenoid loosening or radiolucent lines but discovered fingerlike projections of bone between the flanges of the implant in 24 (29%) of 83 cases. Churchill and colleagues16 also reported bony ingrowth into the central peg in 15 (75%) of 20 patients. Furthermore, Arnold and colleagues13 reported complete bony ingrowth (6/6 inter-fin compartments) in 23 (71%) of 35 shoulders at a mean of 43 months. Wirth and colleagues19 reported increased radiodensity between the flanges of the central peg in 30 of 44 cases (68%) and osteolysis around the central peg in 3 of 44 cases (7%) at 3 years.
There are also reports of successful bony ingrowth associated with all-polyethylene components implanted without cement. In a canine study using an early ingrowth implant design, Wirth and colleagues27 showed that, though initial fixation was superior with a cemented, keeled implant, pullout strength of the uncemented, pegged implant improved over time and eventually far surpassed that of the cemented, keeled implant owing to both the loosening of the cemented component and the bony ingrowth into the central peg component. Furthermore, Anglin and colleagues10 confirmed that component micromotion was lower with pegged glenoid components than with keeled components in a biomechanical model. De Wilde and colleagues15 recently reported on a series of uncemented, central fluted peg glenoids implanted in 34 patients followed clinically and with computed tomography for a minimum of 24 months. The investigators found bony ingrowth into the central peg in 27 (79%) of 34 patients and no signs of loosening in 30 (88%) of 34 patients. Incomplete lucencies around 1 or 2 peripheral pegs were found in 2 (6%) of 34 patients, and complete lucencies around 2 or more peripheral pegs were found in 2 (6%) of 34 patients. However, there was no statistical difference in clinical outcome between patients with and without loosening.
With this type of implant, initial fixation that provides stability while minimizing micromotion under biomechanical loading likely is crucial for attaining bony growth within the central peg flanges. To our knowledge, this is the first biomechanical study to compare micromotion using 3 different fixation methods with a central fluted peg glenoid component design. Of all these fixation methods, fully cemented fixation yielded the most stable glenoid throughout testing with respect to the evaluated parameters. However, this method is not necessarily clinically applicable, as a fully cemented glenoid would inhibit any bony growth within the central flange, which is necessary for long-term biological fixation. Our data showed that, though glenoid distraction was significantly lower with hybrid cement fixation, this fixation method exhibited significantly higher glenoid compression. In addition, there were no significant differences between glenoid components with hybrid fixation and glenoid components with interference-fit fixation with respect to component translation in the superior-inferior direction. These findings may indicate that initial fixation is not significantly improved by the addition of cement to the peripheral pegs in a glenoid component with a central fluted peg design.
The interference fit of the central peg is primarily responsible for conferring long-term implant stability,13,27 which is ultimately achieved by bony formation between the flutes of the peg. Other authors have reported that, for bony ingrowth to occur, micromotion between the bone–implant interface must not exceed 20 to 150 µm.28-30 Other than for interference-fit distraction at more than 1000 cycles and hybrid cement fixation compression at each time point throughout testing, our data fall within the reported upper limits of micromotion to support bony ingrowth. Increased micromotion in the interference-fit fixation group is seen at later time points and may be caused by the inability to simulate the potential fixation gained from bony ingrowth allowed with this surgical technique. Research is needed to further explain this increase in distraction.
Results from this study must be interpreted with caution because of limitations of the in vitro testing methodology. This biomechanical model using bone substitute characterizes glenoid fixation at time zero, directly after implantation, followed by repetitive cyclic loading simulating 5 years of implant service. This differs from the clinical scenario in which the shoulder undergoes postoperative immobilization or protected motion during which the early phases of bony remodeling are likely occurring. Furthermore, simulation of 5 years of implant service may not be necessary for an implant that is expected to achieve ultimate fixation by bony ingrowth within the first several months after implantation. Use of this implant without cement is classified off-label, and surgeons should take this into consideration during implantation. Last, this study could not simulate the effect of bony ingrowth on fixation, though our experimental technique of cementing the central peg may be a gross approximation of a fully ingrown central peg and its expected rigid fixation.
Fully cemented fixation of a polyethylene glenoid is superior to hybrid cement fixation and interference-fit fixation with respect to early glenoid micromotion. However, the long-term stability of a fully cemented polyethylene glenoid component remains a clinical concern, as fixation is achieved by bony ingrowth around the central fluted peg of the implant. In this study, interference-fit and hybrid fixation had equivocal component micromotion in biomechanical testing. Our findings suggest that cementation of the peripheral pegs confers no additional initial stability over an uncemented interference-fit technique in a biomechanical model. More research is needed to further evaluate interference-fit fixation as a viable option for implantation of a central fluted, all-polyethylene glenoid component.