Your colleagues already have a lot to say in 2017. Here are the top discussion threads in ACS Communities just prior to press time (communities in which the threads appear are listed in parentheses):
1. Care for the Vulnerable vs Cash for the Powerful... (General Surgery)
2. Car lease or buy (General Surgery)
3. Interval cholecystectomy (General Surgery)
4. Enemy of good is better (General Surgery)
5. Crushed meds and elixirs (Bariatric Surgery)
6. Unsuspected cancer on reduction mammoplasty (Breast Surgery)
7. UC with sigmoid tumor (Colon and Rectal Surgery)
8. Transverse colostomy problems (Colon and Rectal Surgery)
9. Complex anal fistula (Colon and Rectal Surgery)
10. Ethical dilemma (Trauma Surgery)
To join communities, log in to ACS Communities at, go to “Browse All Communities” near the top of any page, and click the blue “Join” button next to the community you’d like to join. If you have any questions, please send them to