News From the College

Read the December Bulletin: The joy and privilege of a surgical career


The December issue of the Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons is now available online at This month’s Bulletin includes the following features, columns, and news stories, among other:


-Presidential Address: The joy and privilege of a surgical career

-ACS leaders visit Cuba, discover opportunities for collaboration

-Blockchain technology in health care: A primer for surgeons


-Looking forward: Highlights of College activities in 2017

-What surgeons should know about…The 2018 Inpatient Prospective Payment System final rule

-From residency to retirement: ACS Health Policy Scholar reports on the value of small acts


-ACSPA-SurgeonsPAC 2017–2018 election cycle update

-Medicare participation: Know your options

-Making quality stick: Optimal Resources for Surgical Quality and Safety: The SQSC and credentialing and privileging processes ensure sustainability of standards

The Bulletin is available in a variety of digital formats to satisfy every reader’s preference, including an interactive version and a smartphone app. Go to the Bulletin website at to connect to any of these versions or to read the articles directly online.

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