The December issue of the Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons is now available online at This month’s Bulletin includes the following features, columns, and news stories, among other:
-Presidential Address: The joy and privilege of a surgical career
-ACS leaders visit Cuba, discover opportunities for collaboration
-Blockchain technology in health care: A primer for surgeons
-Looking forward: Highlights of College activities in 2017
-What surgeons should know about…The 2018 Inpatient Prospective Payment System final rule
-From residency to retirement: ACS Health Policy Scholar reports on the value of small acts
-ACSPA-SurgeonsPAC 2017–2018 election cycle update
-Medicare participation: Know your options
-Making quality stick: Optimal Resources for Surgical Quality and Safety: The SQSC and credentialing and privileging processes ensure sustainability of standards
The Bulletin is available in a variety of digital formats to satisfy every reader’s preference, including an interactive version and a smartphone app. Go to the Bulletin website at to connect to any of these versions or to read the articles directly online.