Bryan Hanypsiak, MD, Editor-in-Chief of The American Journal of Orthopedics, along with Darla Conrad, Senior Director, North America, and Mindy Edgar, Manager, Academic Alliances from the Johnson & Johnson Institute presented the 2017 Resident Writer’s Award to the three winners at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) annual meeting in New Orleans. All articles published in 2017 with a resident as the first-listed author and accepted through the journal’s standard blinded-review process were eligible for this award. The annual Resident Writer's Award is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson. Papers published in 2018 will be judged by The American Journal of Orthopedics Editorial Board, and honoraria will be presented to the winners at the 2019 AAOS annual meeting.
Joseph T. O’Neil, MD
Molly C. Meadows, MD
Joseph T. Patterson, MD
See more information about the 2018 Resident Writer's Award.
Supported by Johnson & Johnson