Anatomical Single-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction With a Transtibial Technique
Am J Orthop. 2010 June;39(6):302-304
Author and Disclosure Information
Dana P. Piasecki, MD, and Bernard R. Bach, Jr., MD
Dr. Piasecki is Fellow, Orthopedic Sports Medicine, Orthocarolina Sports Medicine Center, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Dr. Bach is Professor and Director, Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois.
To position a single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction anatomically on the femoral side while still using a transtibial technique, we recommend performing a posterolateral notchplasty, inserting the tibial aimer through an accessory inferomedial portal, using a more proximal tibial starting point, removing bone from the posterolateral corner of the tibial tunnel, and externally rotating the over-the-top guide.