Scapular Osteochondroma Treated With Arthroscopic Excision Using Prone Positioning
Kristopher Aalderink, MD, and Brian Wolf, MD, MS
Dr. Aalderink is Sports Fellow, and Dr. Wolf is Sports FellowshipDirector and Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
Osteochondromas, or exostoses, are common benign bone tumors. Most commonly, osteochondromas arise in the metaphyseal regions of long bones (femur, humerus, tibia). Seldom are osteochondromas found on the undersurface of the scapula; these osteochondromas invoke mechanical irritation that leads to bursa formation, snapping, and even winging of the scapula. Many authors have reported performing open surgical excision when these osteochondromas become symptomatic. In this report, we describe the case of a woman in her mid-20s with painful scapular snapping and winging from an osteochondroma treated with arthroscopic excision using prone positioning.