A New Technique for Establishing and Maintaining an Anteromedial Knee Portal
Eric M. Parsons, MD, and James V. Bono, MD
Dr. Parsons is Orthopaedic Surgeon, Lake Orthopaedic Associates, Willoughby, Ohio.
Dr. Bono is Director of Education, New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, and Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
Precise placement of the anteromedial portal is critical to the safety and efficacy of knee arthroscopy. Our described technique establishes and maintains a properly placed portal with minimal capsular violation using a needle arthrotomy and the outer shaver barrel as a cannula. This technique has the dual benefit of optimizing instrument access to the knee without large portal arthrotomies and reducing postoperative pain and swelling by minimizing fluid extravasation.