Case Reports
Regeneration of a Discoid Meniscus After Arthroscopic Saucerization
Am J Orthop. 2013 January;42(1):5-8
Author and Disclosure Information
Matthew I. Stein, MD, Roger B. Gaskins III, MD, Charles C. Nalley, MD, and Charles Nofsinger, MD
We report the case of a 5-year-old girl who presented to the clinic with recurrent knee pain after meniscal repair and saucerization at age 3. The finding of a regenerated discoid meniscus was confirmed arthroscopically and radiographically. To our knowledge, this is the first report in the literature to confirm regeneration of a discoid meniscus after saucerization. The case has significant implications for management of pediatric discoid meniscus tears and patient counseling, and is encouraging in terms of the potential for repair and regeneration of meniscal tissue, particularly in the very young pediatric population.