Strategies for Treating Scoliosis in Children With Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Daniel G. Tobert, BS, and Michael G. Vitale, MD, MPH
Progressive pulmonary dysfunction is a major complication of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Growing constructs are a well-established alternative to spinal arthrodesis to maximize pulmonary growth.
We describe patients who demonstrated sustained pulmonary function and improved quality of life following hybrid growing construct
implantation. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate a range of approaches for managing scoliosis in children with SMA by utilizing vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib implantation or growing rods with lateral rib fixation to improve clinical and patient-reported outcomes.
Pulmonary compromise and quality of life decline are leading concerns in the SMA population. This case series highlights important surgical strategies that can be utilized to treat scoliosis in patients with SMA.