Original Research

Surgeons' Perception of Fluoroscopic Radiation Hazards to Vision

Author and Disclosure Information

Exposure to ionizing radiation, such as that used in fluoroscopy, can lead to cataracts. This is relevant in orthopedic surgery as fluoroscopic procedures are commonly performed.

In this study, we determined perceived level of: (1) personal risk, (2) awareness of risk for cataract formation due to ionizing radiation exposure, (3) awareness of occupational dose limits for ophthalmologic radiation exposure, (4) current radioprotective practices amongst orthopedic surgeons. Canadian Orthopaedic Association members were asked to participate and 264 responses (23%) were received.

Many respondents believed that they were at least at moderate risk for cataract forma- tion due to occupational radiation exposure (n = 107; 41%). Fifty-nine respondents (22%) indicated that they lacked sufficient knowledge to estimate risk and almost half (n = 120; 45%) reported having minimal awareness that ionizing radiation may contribute to cataractogenesis; almost 75% (n = 197) reported having minimal awareness that dose limits exist. The associa- tion between perceived risk and awareness was significant (P<.001).

There is an information deficit among orthopedic surgeons regarding awareness of either the potential cataractogenesis risk due to radiation exposure or the dose limits.


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