Case Reports
Intrathoracic Fracture-Dislocation of the Proximal Humerus Treated with Rib Fixation and Shoulder Arthroplasty
Am J Orthop. 2014 April;43(4):E74-E78
Author and Disclosure Information
Timothy Hawkes, DO, Michael Parra, MD, and Kevin Shrock, MD
Proximal fractures of the humerus resulting in intrathoracic displacement of the humeral head are rare, but cause serious pain and can lead to pulmonary and glenohumeral complications. Many treatment options exist, but there is still no literature regarding mortality and morbidity associated with rib fixation in concordance with treatment of the proximal humerus.
This case describes a patient who was treated using a multi-team approach that involved shoulder arthroplasty with rib fixation, and which resulted in decreased pain and decreased narcotic use while improving the patient’s pulmonary function.