
Lobectomy suffices for surgery of small papillary thyroid cancers

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Back to the future with thyroid lobectomy

This excellent study by Adam et al. contributes to a growing body of literature supporting thyroid lobectomy for low risk, small, differentiated thyroid tumors. I should say this represents a shift back toward lobectomy. Total thyroidectomy became the procedure of choice for nearly all differentiated thyroid tumors over the last 2-3 decades in part because of the landmark study by Bilimoria et al. (Surgery 2007;142:906-14).

Now the tide is shifting back the other direction.

I do not mean to imply that passing trends drive how we treat thyroid cancer. Mortality rates from differentiated thyroid cancer remain extremely low. This makes measuring any differences in mortality challenging. The outcome can differ depending on the cohort and the other variables included in the modeling. Recurrence is the real driver of morbidity in thyroid cancer, with anywhere from 10%-30% of patients experiencing a recurrence. Unfortunately, large national cancer registries do not capture recurrence very well.

This study controlled for many tumor features that will also impact disease specific survival apart from just the treatment received. The follow-up time is also impressive. So, if we are to undertake a more nuanced and stratified approach to determining the extent of surgery, there are a few things to consider. The first is patient selection.

In this study and in a growing body of retrospective, single institution studies looking at lobectomy for low-risk cancers, one must remember that these patients are selected based on other tumor features (multifocality, extrathyroidal extension, etc.) and not just size alone. Remember that 30%-40% of patients with papillary thyroid cancer will have multifocal disease.

The second is that successfully treating thyroid cancer patients with lobectomy requires buy-in from all parties involved - surgeons, endocrinologists, and, most importantly, the patient. Everyone must be comfortable with omitting radioactive iodine, detectable thyroglobulin levels, and following the remaining lobe with ultrasound. Some patients will not be comfortable with this and may choose to undergo total thyroidectomy. Even if we surgeons agree to shift back toward less aggressive surgery, we cannot do so in isolation.

Dr. David F. Schneider is an associate professor and the director of endocrine surgery research in the department of surgery, University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has no conflicts to disclose.



BOSTON – Extensive surgery beyond lobectomy offers no survival advantage for small papillary thyroid cancers, according to a large database analysis.

Total thyroidectomy was not associated with an overall survival benefit over lobectomy for papillary thyroid cancers sized 1-2 cm (hazard ratio, 1.05; P = .61) or 2.1-4.0 cm (HR, 0.89; P = .21), even after adjusting for multiple patient and pathologic factors.

"Despite guidelines, our results call into question whether tumor size 1-4 cm should be an absolute determinant for extent of surgery," Dr. Mohamed Abdelgadir Adam said at the annual meeting of the American Surgical Association.

Current American Thyroid Association guidelines recommend lobectomy for tumors less than 1 cm in size and total thyroidectomy for those exceeding 1 cm.

Patrice Wendling/Frontline Medical News

Dr. Julie Ann Sosa (L) and Dr. Mohamed Abdelgadir Adam

"Using total thyroidectomy based on tumor size alone may unnecessarily subject patients to increased risks of complications without a survival benefit," he said. "In addition to tumor size up to 4 cm, other factors are important for determining extent of surgery such as nodal and distant metastases and patient preference."

The extent of surgery for papillary thyroid cancer, however, remains controversial. Recent analyses (Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 2010;136:1055-61) have shown no survival difference between lobectomy and total thyroidectomy, while an earlier landmark study found improved overall survival with total thyroidectomy for tumors 1 cm or more (Ann. Surg. 2007;246;375-81). The latter study, however, has been criticized because it did not take into account patient comorbidities, multifocality, extrathyroidal extension, or completeness of resection, said Dr. Adam of Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, N.C.

The current analysis adjusted for age, gender, race, annual income, insurance status, hospital volume, patient comorbidities, tumor multifocality, extrathyroidal extension, lymph node involvement, metastases, surgical margins, and radioactive iodine ablation.

Discussant Dr. Blake Cady, professor emeritus of surgery at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, said the current report is an important contribution to the controversy. It also supports his own bias against overtreatment of these mostly young patients with total thyroidectomy, which necessitates long-term medication and is accompanied by almost routine use of radioactive iodine, despite no evidence it improves outcomes in low-risk patients.

"In no other human cancer with a 99% 20-year survival is a policy of routine total primary organ removal practiced and routine systemic therapy used," he said. "Therefore, this report may help to scale back toward a more measured balance between treatment and morbidity."

Study coauthor Dr. Julie Ann Sosa, chief of endocrine surgery at Duke, challenged the audience to promote the growing body of evidence supporting equivalence in overall survival, such as a recent study described as coming the closest to a head-to-head comparison and having the longest follow-up at 18 years. It showed equivalence between lobectomy, without radioactive iodine, and total thyroidectomy for overall, progression-free, and disease-specific survival and risk of recurrence in tumors 40 mm or less (World J. Surg. 2014;38:68-79.

"In light of these data, I think it is probably high time for guidelines to potentially reconsider this issue," she said, noting that the American Thyroid Association will issue new guidelines later this spring or summer.

Dr. Sosa also advocated for "a more sophisticated approach" to preoperative evaluation and risk stratification for papillary thyroid cancer that distinguishes between low-, medium-, and high-risk tumors. The Duke study did not exclude most high-risk tumors, but rather adjusted for high-risk characteristics such as extrathyroidal extension, lymph node involvement, and distant metastases.

"When you adjust for these high-risk characteristics, the afforded overall survival benefit disappears," she said. "So what I think we would argue is that there is equivalence in outcome for the majority of patients for low- and medium-risk tumors. But for those patients who have high-risk tumors, as defined by some of these high-risk characteristics, then I think all of us would agree that total thyroidectomy, with or without radioactive iodine, would be indicated."

The study involved 61,775 patients in the National Cancer Database who underwent total thyroidectomy (n = 54,926) or lobectomy with or without isthmusectomy (n = 6,849) for papillary thyroid cancer from 1998 to 2006. Compared with the lobectomy group, the thyroidectomy group had more tumor multifocality (44% vs. 29%), positive surgical margins (27% vs. 7%), distant metastases (1% vs. 0.4%), and radioactive iodine (65% vs. 33%; P value less than .01 for all).

In multivariable analysis, nodal and distant metastases were associated with compromised survival, Dr. Adam said.

The complete manuscript of this study and its presentation at the American Surgical Association’s 134th Annual Meeting, April 2014 in Boston, is anticipated to be published in the Annals of Surgery, pending editorial review.


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