The investigators plan to repeat analyses using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample’s ambulatory data set next, according to Dr. Chung. “Being able to see whether or not this still holds true in an outpatient setting is definitely worthwhile,” he agreed.
Dr. Sosa further wondered about the roles of bilateral versus unilateral monitoring, and continuous versus intermittent monitoring, saying, “I think the approach an individual surgeon takes could definitely result in different outcomes. So I wonder, were you able to address at a more granular level the specific technologies employed?”
The Nationwide Inpatient Sample unfortunately does not capture information on these aspects of monitoring, said Dr. Chung. However, “with respect to continuous versus intermittent, we do think that that’s actually an important variable. It is possible that those who are using nerve monitoring are doing this in a continuous fashion, so when they perhaps injure the first side of the vocal cords, they may stop. So what was originally planned to be a total thyroidectomy from the get-go that had an intraoperative nerve injury may be aborted so as to not create any disastrous airway complications. That may also artificially increase the partial thyroidectomy results, thereby increasing vocal cord paralysis complications in the partial thyroidectomy group.”