Conference Coverage
Ultrasound accurately predicts trauma thoracotomy survival
Key clinical point: Trauma arrest victims who will survive resuscitative thoracotomy can be predicted using focused assessment with sonography in...
Conference Coverage
AATS: Simplified mitral valve repair effective in children with Marfan’s
Key clinical point: A simplified approach for mitral valve repair resulted in good outcomes in a group of children with connective tissue...
Conference Coverage
VIDEO: Hybrid thoracoscopic and transcatheter ablation of persistent AF
Conference Coverage
VIDEO: Esophagectomy outcomes better in hospitals that handle complex cases
Conference Coverage
VIDEO: Cardiosphere-derived cells improve outcomes in hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Conference Coverage
VIDEO: Less tricuspid regurgitation seen with Sano shunt in Norwood procedures
Linking registries, databases may reduce surgical site infections
Key clinical point: Linking registry and infection control data with a hospital’s electronic health records can significantly improve surveillance...
Three-dimensional models show superiority of nanoparticles in mesothelioma
Key clinical point: Three-dimensional spheroid models, as opposed to monolayer cell cultures, are valuable tools for predicting the efficacy of...
Biopsy bests HCRT for lung fibrosis, has risks
Key clinical point: Surgical lung biopsy is helpful to confirm interstitial lung disease in patients with unique signs and symptoms, but the...
Stenting before CABG linked to higher mortality for diabetic patients
Key clinical point: Diabetic triple vessel–disease patients with prior percutaneous coronary intervention stenting (PCI-S) have poorer long-term...