Surgical Oncology
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy promising for lymphedema
Major finding: Women with lymphedema following axillary lymphadenectomy had a median 192.5-mL reduction in whole-arm water volume displacement...
FDA approves two-drug combination for advanced melanoma
Survival no better after primary tumor removal in metastatic breast cancer
Major finding: There was no significant difference in overall survival with surgery vs. systemic therapy in either the Indian trial (5-year rate,...
Novel treatment promising for chronic neuropathic postmastectomy pain
Major finding: Injection of a combination of bupivacaine and dexamethasone at well-defined sites of maximum pain and tenderness resolved pain at...
Breast MRI screening finds undetected cancers in 11 per 1,000 average-risk women
Major finding: Breast MRI screening of women who were at average risk for breast cancer and already had a negative mammogram had a breast cancer...
Meeting attendees identify top studies presented at SABCS
'Vogl, New York' offers San Antonio perspectives
New mega-review underscores mammography’s benefits
No survival benefit to bisphosphonate in chemoresistant breast cancer
Esophageal ultrasound unreliable for tumor staging
Major finding: Esophageal ultrasound correctly staged tumor depth in just 39% of pT1a esophageal tumors and 51% of pT1b esophageal tumors.Data...
Conference Coverage
Radiotherapy can be omitted for many older breast cancer patients
Major finding: The 5-year ipsilateral breast cancer recurrence rate in a selected population of older women undergoing breast-conserving surgery...