Applied Evidence

Getting hypertension under control in the youngest of patients

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When an initial reading is elevated, whether by oscillometric or auscultatory measurement, 2 more auscultatory BP measurements should be taken during the same visit; these measurements are averaged to determine the BP category.18

TABLE 16 defines BP categories based on age, sex, and height. We recommend using the free resource MD Calc ( to assist in calculating the BP category.

TABLE 26 describes the timing of follow-up based on the initial BP reading and diagnosis.

Ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) is a validated device that measures BP every 20 to 30 minutes throughout the day and night. ABPM should be performed initially in all patients with persistently elevated BP and routinely in children and adolescents with a high-risk comorbidity (TABLE 26). Note: Insurance coverage of ABPM is limited.

Initial measurement of BP determines the timing and elements of follow-up

Children older than 10 years who have been given a diagnosis of hypertension should be asked about smoking, alcohol, and other substance use.

ABPM is also used to diagnose so-called white-coat hypertension, defined as BP ≥ 95th percentile for age, sex, and height in the clinic setting but < 95th percentile during ABPM. This phenomenon can be challenging to diagnose.

Continue to: Home monitoring


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