For obese postmenopausal women, what options may decrease endometrial cancer risk?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Intentional weight loss, including diet, exercise, and bariatric surgery, as well as progestin treatment, may help this population of women reduce...
9vHPV vaccine: Prevention of oropharyngeal cancer
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Most clinicians and many parents know that the 9vHPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer. Less well known is that the 9vHPV vaccine...
Please stop using the adjective “elective” to describe the important health services ObGyns provide
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Calling a health intervention “elective” risks miscommunicating that it is unnecessary or should have a lower priority than “...
Major changes in Medicare billing are planned for January 2021: Some specialties fare better than others
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
- Barbara Levy, MD
The changes decrease Medicare payments for procedural services but increase valuation of office-based services
The Centers...
New hormonal medical treatment is an important advance for AUB caused by uterine fibroids
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Women with fibroids causing symptomatic abnormal uterine bleeding who choose to avoid a therapeutic procedure have a new hormonal treatment option...
The Fetal Pillow: A new option for delivering the deeply impacted fetal head
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
For laboring women with a prolonged second stage who require a cesarean delivery, use of the Fetal Pillow will decrease...
In your practice, are you planning to have a chaperone present for all intimate examinations?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now recommends that a chaperone be present for all breast, genital,...
Out of the pipeline: Remdesivir
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Respiratory particles generated by speech can remain airborne for up to 14 minutes
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
COVID-19: We are in a war, without the most effective weapons to fight a novel viral pathogen
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Although we are in the midst of battle, we will win this fight, alongside the global community of clinicians
Prescribing aspirin to improve pregnancy outcomes: Expand the indications? Increase the dose?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
What is the role of the ObGyn in preventing and treating obesity?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
As frontline clinicians, obstetrician-gynecologists play an important role in identifying and treating obesity. For overweight...
Progestin-only systemic hormone therapy for menopausal hot flashes
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Clinicians treating postmenopausal hot flashes often recommend “systemic estrogen treatment.” However, progestin-only therapy also can effectively...
What is optimal hormonal treatment for women with polycystic ovary syndrome?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
In my practice, I commonly prescribe 3 hormone treatments for PCOS: combination estrogen-progestin contraceptive, metformin, and spironolactone....
Retained placenta after vaginal birth: How long should you wait to manually remove the placenta?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
For a woman with a neuraxial anesthetic, 20 minutes post–birth of the newborn may be the best time to diagnose retained placenta...