Subclinical hypothyroidism and pregnancy: Public health problem or lab finding with minimal clinical significance?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
There is no clear evidence that thyroxine can improve pregnancy outcomes in women with subclinical hypothyroidism
In a US...
When providing contraceptive counseling to women with migraine headaches, how do you identify migraine with aura?
- Author:
- Allison L. Gilbert, MD, MPH
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
The diagnosis of aura is not well understood by primary care clinicians. The Visual Aura Rating Scale (VARS) helps non-...
Women with epilepsy: 5 clinical pearls for contraception and preconception counseling
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Why do so many women aged 65 years and older die of cervical cancer?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Many women aged >65 years who are at risk for cervical cancer are not being actively screened, resulting in a high rate of...
Uterus-sparing interventions to treat postpartum hemorrhage during cesarean delivery surgery
- Author:
- Daniela Carusi, MD, MSc
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Cesarean delivery is often associated with postpartum hemorrhage. Frequent use of uterine-sparing interventions can help reduce...
One versus two uterotonics: Which is better for minimizing postpartum blood loss?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
A Cochrane network meta-analysis concluded that the two highest-ranked interventions for reducing the rate of postpartum blood...
Good news for ObGyns: Medical liability claims resulting in payment are decreasing!
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Not as good news: Claims settling for a payment of greater than $1 million are increasing
Medical professional liability...
Screening and counseling interventions to prevent peripartum depression: A practical approach
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
After successful implementation of screening for perinatal depression, the USPSTF is recommending a new approach: screen for...
What is your approach to the persistent occiput posterior malposition?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
One of the peskiest problems in labor obstetrics is the persistent OP position
How do you feel about expectantly managing a well-dated pregnancy past 41 weeks’ gestation?
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Most women with a well-dated pregnancy should be offered the option of induction of labor before or at 41 weeks’ gestation
Maternal health benefits of breastfeeding
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Diseases highly prevalent among women include type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease, as well as breast, ovarian, and...
Elagolix: A new treatment for pelvic pain caused by endometriosis
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Two doses of elagolix are now FDA approved for treatment of pelvic pain caused by endometriosis. These two doses allow...
Postpartum hemorrhage: Aortic compression to reduce pelvic bleeding
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
Although aortic compression generally is not taught to obstetricians as a maneuver to control major pelvic hemorrhage, anesthesiologists are aware...
Optimize the medical treatment of endometriosis—Use all available medications
- Author:
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
In my referral practice, the most common problem I see in the medical management of endometriosis is a reluctance to prescribe approved hormonal...
Are we ready for primary HPV testing for the prevention of cervical cancer?
- Author:
- Sarah Feldman, MD, MPH
- Robert L. Barbieri, MD
We may be at a tipping point where the iconic Pap smear is largely replaced by HPV testing for cervical cancer screening