Arrhythmias & EP
Low event rates with real-world use of rivaroxaban in NOAC
Major finding: The annual stroke rate with once-daily rivaroxaban was 1.4% and the major bleeding rate was 3.4% among 1,194 patients with atrial...
Ten-year outcomes for ablation in atrial fibrillation impressive
Major finding: A decade after 513 patients underwent extensive pulmonary vein antrum isolation for drug-resistant paroxysmal atrial fibrillation,...
Genotyping adds little to optimized warfarin dosing
Major finding: Patients starting warfarin with dosing based on a formula that took into account seven clinical and demographic factors averaged 45...
Novel Watchman antistroke device backed as warfarin equivalent
Conference Coverage
Advanced pacing slows AF progression in bradycardia
Major finding: Patients with bradycardia, sinus node disease, and a history of atrial fibrillation who were implanted with a dual-chamber...
Substrate ablation shows no advantage for A fib
Major finding: Substrate ablation failed to show efficacy compared with conventional pulmonary vein isolation for patients with atrial...
Conference Coverage
Anticoagulant edoxaban comparable with warfarin in atrial fib
Major finding: The annualized rate of stroke or embolic events was 1.50% with warfarin vs.
Atrial fib linked to incident myocardial infarction
Major finding: The age-adjusted incidence of MI was 12 per 1,000 in participants who had AF, compared with 6 per 1,000 in participants who didn’t...