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Impostor syndrome is a risk for doctors of all ages
These people ignore praise, are highly self-critical, and attribute their successes to external factors, such as luck, hard work, or receiving...
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Expanded coverage of carotid stenting in CMS draft proposal
The decision proposal would expand coverage for CAS “to standard surgical risk patients by removing the limitation of coverage to only high...
From the Journals
Mixed bag: New performance data on femoral-popliteal artery revascularization
“This and other studies highlight the need to be cautious about offering PVI to patients with intermittent claudication.”
Conference Coverage
Global burden of brain disorders surpasses cardiovascular disease and cancer
“The burden of brain conditions will increase as populations continue to grow and age.”
News from the FDA/CDC
FDA: No excess mortality risk from paclitaxel stents, balloons for peripheral intervention
“The updated RCT meta-analysis does not indicate that the use of paclitaxel-coated devices is associated with a late mortality risk.”
From the Journals
Heart-protective diet in PURE study allows whole-fat dairy
“The new results in PURE, in combination with prior reports, call for a re-evaluation of unrelenting guidelines to avoid whole-fat dairy products...
FDA expands inclisiran statin-adjunct indication to include primary prevention
The indications now include patients taking statins for primary dyslipidemia who have high-risk comorbidities such as diabetes but who do not have...
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Weighing childhood obesity interventions
The long-term effects of these new agents on children and teens are poorly understood, and both medication and surgery are associated with...
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Mental health questions cut from MD licensing applications in 21 states
Four in 10 physicians said they did not seek help for burnout or depression because they worried that their employer or state medical board would...
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AMA supports APRN oversight by both medical and nursing boards
The organization says it opposes scope expansions because removing doctors from the care team results in higher costs to the patient and lower...
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The ‘psychological warfare’ of prior authorization
The growing administrative - and emotional - burden of prior authorization is contributing to physician burnout.