Arrhythmias & EP
New Guidelines on Genetic Testing for Heritable Arrhythmias
Subcutaneous ICD Deemed "Viable Alternative"
Major Finding: Over 9 months of follow-up in 98 patients, a subcutaneous ICD identified 14 nonsustained ventricular arrhythmia episodes in 5...
"New Paradigm" in AF Therapy Is Promising
Major Finding: Acute termination or substantial slowing of AF was achieved during the ablation procedure in 88% of the 32 patients who underwent...
Atrial Fib Ups Early Death Risk in Women
Major Finding: The risks of all-cause, cardiovascular, and noncardiovascular mortality were significantly higher among healthy women with new-...
Asymptomatic AF Increases After Ablation
Incidence of Pacemaker Infections Rising in U.S.
Atrial Fib Boosts Nonaccidental Fall Risk in Elderly
Major Finding: A history of atrial fibrillation (AF) was present in 20.4% of those patients with a nonaccidental fall, compared with 10.6% of...
Nearly Half of ICDs in Massachusetts Placed for Off – Label Indications
Major Finding: During 1998-2008, off-label placement of ICDs in Massachusetts occurred in 28%-50% of patients who received devices for primary...
Persistent LV Hypertrophy Worsens Hypertension Outcomes
Major Finding: Patients with persistent left ventricular hypertrophy had a threefold higher rate of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke compared...
FDA: Coumadin Lot Recalled as a Precaution
VADs Reasonable for Bridging to Cardiac Retransplantation Sometimes
Major Finding: Among patients retransplanted at least a year after an initial transplantation, median survival was 7 years and did not differ...