
Recent treatment advances brighten prospects for intracerebral hemorrhage patients



A message for acute-care clinicians

She and her colleagues highlighted the implications these new findings have for clinical decision making in the first weeks after an ICH.

“Acute-care physicians see these patients at day 30, not at day 365, so it’s important that they have a clear picture of what these patients could look like a year later. It’s an important message,” Ms. Ostapkovich said in an interview.

In fact, a colleague of hers at Johns Hopkins ran an analysis that looked at factors that contributed to families opting for WoLST for 61 of the MISTIE III patients, and found that 38 family groups (62%) cited the anticipated outcome of the patient in a dependent state as their primary reason for opting for WoLST, Lourdes J. Carhuapoma reported in a separate talk at the conference.

Lourdes J. Carhuapoma, acute care nurse practitioner, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News

Lourdes J. Carhuapoma

“The main message is that many patients with significant ICH did well and recovered despite having very poor prognostic factors at 30 days, but it took more time. A concern is that the [prognostic] information families receive may be wrong. There is a disconnect,” between what families get told to expect and what actually happens, said Ms. Carhuapoma, an acute care nurse practitioner at Johns Hopkins.

“When physicians, nurses, and family members get together” to discuss ICH patients like these after 30 days, “they see the glass as empty. But the real message is that the glass is half full,” summed up Daniel F. Hanley, MD, lead investigator of MISTIE III and professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins. “These data show a large amount of improvement between 30 and 180 days.” The 104 patients with exclusively mRS scores of 4 or 5 at day 30 had a 30% incidence of improvement to an mRS score of 2 or 3 after 180 days, on their way to a 39% rate of mRS scores of 1-3 at 1 year.

Dr. Daniel F. Hanley, professor of neurology, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore

Dr. Danley F. Hanley

An additional analysis that has not yet been presented showed that the “strongest predictor” of whether or not patients who presented with a mRS score of 4 or 5 after 30 days improved their status at 1 year was if their residual hematoma volume shrank to 15 mL or less, Dr. Hanley said in an interview. “It’s not rocket science. If you had to choose between a 45-mL hematoma and less than 15 mL, which would you choose? What’s new here is how this recovery can play out,” taking 180 days or longer in some patients to become apparent.

More evidence needed to prove MISTIE’s hypothesis

According to Dr. Hanley, the MISTIE III findings have begun to influence practice despite its neutral primary finding, with more attention being paid to reducing residual clot volume following an ICH. And evidence continues to mount that more aggressive minimization of hematoma size can have an important effect on outcomes. For example, another study presented at the conference assessed the incremental change in prognostic accuracy when the ICH score, a five-item formula for estimating the prognosis of an ICH patient, substituted a precise quantification of residual hematoma volume rather than the original, dichotomous entry for either a hematoma volume of 30 mL or greater, or less than 30 mL, and when the severity score also quantified intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) volume rather than simply designating IVH as present or absent.

Using data from 933 patients who had been enrolled in either MISTIE III or in another study of hematoma volume reduction, CLEAR III, the analysis showed that including specific quantification of both residual ICH volume as well as residual IVH volume improved the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the ICH score as a prognostic assessment from 0.70 to 0.75 in the intervention arms of the two trials, and from 0.60 to 0.68 in the two combined control arms, Adam de Havenon, MD, reported in a talk at the conference. “These data show that quantifying ICH and IVH volume improves mortality prognostication,” concluded Dr. de Havenon, a vascular and stroke neurologist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

Dr. Adam de Havenon, vascular and stroke neurologist, University of Utah, Salt Lake City Mitchel L. Zoler/MDedge News

Dr. Adam de Havenon

Furthermore, it’s “certainly evidence for the importance of volume reduction,” he said during discussion of his talk. “The MISTIE procedure can reset patients” so that their outcomes become more like patients with much smaller clot volumes even if they start with large hematomas. “In our experience, if the volume is reduced to 5 mL, there is real benefit regardless of how big the clot was initially,” Dr. de Havenon said.

But the neutral result for the MISTIE III primary endpoint will, for the time being, hobble application of this concept and keep the MISTIE intervention from rising to a level I recommendation until greater evidence for its efficacy comes out.

“It’s been known for many years that clot size matters when it comes to ICH. The MISTIE team has made a very compelling case that [reducing clot volume] is a very reasonable hypothesis, but we must continue to acquire data that can confirm it,” Dr. Sheth commented.

Dr. Sheth’s institution receives research funding from Novartis and Bard for studies that Dr. Sheth helps run. The MISTIE III study received the alteplase used in the study at no cost from Genentech. Ms. Ostapkovich and Ms. Carhuapoma had no disclosures. Dr. Hanley has received personal fees from BrainScope, Medtronic, Neurotrope, Op2Lysis, and Portola. Dr. de Havenon has received research funding from Regeneron.


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