Tulane moved all 155 of its first- and second-year students to Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, where they are taking classes from the 150–200 faculty still on the Tulane payroll.
The third- and fourth-year students are taking electives in Louisiana, Texas, and elsewhere. Tulane aims to reopen its medical school in July.
Most LSU students were relocated to the school's main Baton Rouge campus, but the schools of public health and graduate studies returned to New Orleans in January.
Dr. Hollier said he expected the medical and nursing students to start attending classes in the city in July, and medical school applications are on par with previous years.
At Tulane, about 8,000 students have applied for 155 positions. “I've got an overfilled class,” said Dr. Beckman, but “what's different this year is the enthusiasm level. I wouldn't be anywhere else, and I think that's what the students feel.”