
‘JNC 8’ relaxes elderly systolic target below 150 mm Hg



The group of experts who had constituted the JNC 8 panel, a team assembled in 2008 by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to update official U.S. hypertension management guidelines, set the target blood pressure for the general population aged 60 years or older to less than 150/90 mm Hg, a major break from long-standing practice to treat such patients to a target systolic pressure of less than 140 mm Hg.

This decision, which the panel contends was driven by lack of clear evidence for extra benefit from the below–140 mm Hg target, will surely prove controversial, along with the panel’s relaxing of target blood pressures for patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease to less than 140/90 mm Hg (increased from 130/80 mm Hg in the prior, JNC 7 guidelines). That controversy would be a fitting final curtain for the Eighth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 8), a project that courted controversy by running years longer than anticipated and then generating several plot twists during the final months leading up to Dec. 18, when the former JNC 8 panel published its hypertension-management guideline (JAMA 2013 Dec. 18 [doi:10.1001/jama.2013.284427]).

©Dr. Heinz Linke/

U.S. hypertension management guidelines set the target blood pressure for people aged 60 years or older to less than 150/90 mm Hg, a major change from the target of less than 140 mm Hg.

The new target of a systolic pressure of less than 150 mm Hg for hypertensive patients aged 60 or older without diabetes or chronic kidney disease "is definitely controversial," said Dr. Paul A. James, cochairman of the panel and professor of family medicine at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. "There is A-level evidence that getting blood pressure below 150 mm Hg results in improved outcomes that really matter, but we have no evidence at this time to support going lower," to less than 140 mm Hg. "The good news is that the panel is comfortable that we don’t do harm," by treating patients to less than 140 mm Hg. "But why put patients at increased risk for medication adverse events when we don’t have strong evidence of benefit?" he said in an interview.

He stressed that his group released their conclusions and guideline on their own, identifying themselves as "the panel members appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8)." Leaders from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute announced last June that the agency was pulling out of the business of issuing cardiovascular-disease management guidelines, and would instead fund evidence reviews and partner with other organizations to issue guidelines. The NHLBI arranged for its cholesterol, obesity, and lifestyle guidelines to be released through the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology, but no similar arrangement worked out for the JNC 8 panel, which became the former panel when the NHLBI officially dissolved it by late summer.

The former JNC 8 panel applied "a very narrow interpretation" of the clinical evidence where the evidence is very incomplete, commented Dr. Michael A. Weber, professor of medicine at State University of New York, Brooklyn. "The purpose of guidelines is for a group of experts to be guided as far as they can by the evidence, and then use their judgment and experience to make recommendations that in the best interests of patients." He cited findings from the ACCOMPLISH, INVEST, and VALUE trials that show benefits from treating patients older than 60 years to a systolic pressure of less than 140 mm Hg, though he admitted that in each of these studies the findings did not come from primary, prespecified analyses.

Dr. Paul A. James

Dr. Weber led a panel organized by the American Society of Hypertension and International Society of Hypertension that released its own set of hypertension diagnosis and management guidelines a day earlier, on Dec. 17 (J. Clin. Hypertension 2013 [doi:10.1111/ch.1223]). Where they overlap, the guidelines from ASH/ISH and from the former JNC 8 panel are mostly the same, with the systolic target for the general population aged 60-79 years being the main area of contention, Dr. Weber said. The ASH/ISH guideline set a systolic target of less than 150 mm Hg for the general hypertensive population aged 80 years or older.

The former-JNC 8 panel also qualified their 150 mm Hg–target by adding that if general population patients aged 60 years or older are on stable, well-tolerated antihypertensive treatment and have a systolic pressure of less than 140 mm Hg, changing treatment and aiming for a higher systolic pressure is not recommended.


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