Peripheral Vascular Disorders
Promising new therapy for critical limb ischemia
Intramuscular injections of stromal cell–derived factor-1 in patients with critical limb ischemia demonstrated safety and efficacy; the therapy is...
Transfusion linked to bad outcomes in percutaneous peripheral vascular interventions
Key clinical point: High institutional blood transfusion rates in conjunction with percutaneous interventions for peripheral arterial disease can...
VTE risk models target a formidable surgery foe
First drug-coated angioplasty balloon approved for PAD
Statins do not worsen diabetes microvascular complications, may be protective
Key clinical point: Statins may protect against microvascular complications in diabetes patients. Major finding: Statin users were significantly...
Conference Coverage
Cerebral microbleeds’ depth may reveal dementia type
Key clinical point: The location of cerebral microbleeds is strongly associated with the type of dementia that may develop.Major finding: Lobar...
USPSTF: Don’t screen general population for carotid stenosis
Key clinical finding: Don’t screen asymptomatic adults for carotid artery stenosis.
Conference Coverage
Paclitaxel-eluting balloon shows high claudication efficacy
Key clinical point: A drug-eluting balloon produced stentlike patency after 1 year in superficial femoral and popliteal arteries.Major finding:...
Mortality nearly halved with dual antiplatelet therapy in severe PAD
Major finding: Patients with severe peripheral artery disease who were on dual antiplatelet therapy had an adjusted 45% reduction in the 3-year...
Conference Coverage
Marriage protects against vascular disease
Major finding: Married men under age 50 years were 14.4% less likely than their single counterparts were to have vascular disease, and married...
Routinely screen relatives when thoracic aortic aneurysm disease presents before age 60
Major finding: One in seven patients presenting with thoracic aortic disease in a large series had thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection, or...