Conference Coverage
Apixaban provides larger medical cost savings than other NOACs
Major finding: Using apixaban instead of warfarin for stroke prevention in AF would result in an estimated medical cost savings of $1,245 per...
Apixaban approved for preventing DVT and pulmonary embolism after hip/knee surgery
Conference Coverage
Statins reduce recurrent thromboembolism risk
Major finding: Patients on statin therapy had an adjusted 17% lower risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism in the year following their first...
Genotyping adds little to optimized warfarin dosing
Major finding: Patients starting warfarin with dosing based on a formula that took into account seven clinical and demographic factors averaged 45...
Thrombosis precautions in IBD not met in two-thirds of high-risk cases
Conference Coverage
RE-ALIGN reaction: Nix novel anticoagulants in mechanical valve patients
Major finding: Patients with a mechanical heart valve had significantly higher rates of both major bleeding (4% vs. 2%) and stroke (5% vs.
Conference Coverage
Edoxaban pivotal trial shows VTE efficacy, safety
Major finding: Treatment of acute venous thromboembolism with edoxaban reduced clinically relevant bleeds by a relative 19%, compared with...
AMPLIFY: Apixaban beat warfarin on safety in acute VTE
Major finding: Major bleeds occurred in 0.6% of patients on apixaban and 1.8% of patients on warfarin, with similar efficacy. Data source: The...
ACS stent thrombosis indication for rivaroxaban not approved, company says
BRUISE CONTROL: Continue warfarin during cardiac device surgery
Major finding: The incidence of clinically significant device-pocket hematoma in patients at high thromboembolic risk who underwent pacemaker or...