News From CHEST Physician®
News From CHEST Physician®
Next stop, Hawai’i: A look into the Scientific Program Committee Meeting
Agenda for the CHEST Annual Meeting.
Critical Care Commentary
ECMO for refractory asthma exacerbations
My ‘traditional’ approach left little room for error in a patient with high ventilator pressures and hemodynamic instability.
2023 GOLD update: Changes in COPD nomenclature and initial therapy
The 2023 GOLD committee proposed changes in nomenclature and therapy for various subgroups of patients with COPD.
News From CHEST Physician®
De Marco gift to the CHEST Foundation makes more than one dream possible
“That’s when it hit me – we could leverage Hawaii to get donations and to expose people to the CHEST Foundation.”
Breathing easier: The growing adoption of indwelling pleural catheters
The management of recurrent pleural effusions is challenging.
Early mobility in the ICU: Working with the TEAM
Advocating for early mobility for patients in the ICU seems like a no-brainer.
News From CHEST Physician®
Novel therapies for neuromuscular disease: What are the respiratory and sleep implications?
The emergence of disease-modifying therapies over the last decade has changed the landscape.
News From CHEST Physician®
Tobramycin inhaled solution and quality of life in patients with bronchiectasis
As the incidence of bronchiectasis increases worldwide, the need for evidence-based therapies to reduce symptom burden is increasing.
Sleep Strategies
The triple overlap: COPD-OSA-OHS. Is it time for new definitions?
With increasing obesity severity and aging, the risk of both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and hypoventilation increases.
News From CHEST Physician®
Introducing CHEST President-Designate John A. Howington, MD, MBA, FCCP
John A. Howington, MD, MBA, FCCP, is a cardiothoracic surgeon.