News from the FDA/CDC

Vaping-linked lung injuries near 1,500


Vaping-associated lung injury cases have now reached 1,479, according to the latest update provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Thirty-three deaths have been confirmed.

e-cigarette Carpe89/ThinkStock

E-cigarette–linked lung injuries, now called EVALI, occurred in all U.S. states (except Alaska), the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Seventy percent of patients are male, and 79% are under age 35 years.

Information on the substances used over the previous 3 months before symptom onset was available for 849 patients and included the following:

  • 78% reported using THC-containing products, with or without nicotine-containing products;
  • 31% reported exclusive use of THC-containing products;
  • 58% reported using nicotine-containing products, with or without THC-containing products; and
  • 10% reported exclusive use of nicotine-containing products.

CDC is now doing additional testing on available samples for chemical in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, blood, or urine, as well as lung biopsy or autopsy specimens. CDC is also validating methods for aerosol emission testing of case-associated product samples from vaping products and e-liquids.

In a related development, JUUL, maker of e-cigarette products, has announced that it will suspend the sale of nontobacco, nonmenthol flavors (mango, creme, fruit, and cucumber) in the United States, pending review by the Food and Drug Administration. The JUUL announcement comes in advance of an expected FDA ban on flavored e-cigarettes.

The CDC continues its investigation into EVALI but stated, “Since the specific cause or causes of lung injury are not yet known, the only way to assure that you are not at risk while the investigation continues is to consider refraining from use of all e-cigarette, or vaping, products.”

For more information and resources visit For the Public, For Healthcare Providers, and For State and Local Health Departments pages, as well as the CDC’s Publications and Resources page.

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