Recent events among my circle of friends and family have made me revisit one of the rules of my childhood and consider extending it. In discussions with colleagues, I have suggested that we recommend everyone older than 40 seriously consider wearing some type of PFD when near or in the water, even if they are not in a boat. Some rebuffed this idea as an unnecessary nuisance. But I consider it a minor inconvenience that could mean the difference between a fatal and nonfatal aquatic incident. I cannot help but wonder if it would have made a difference in some cases.
How strictly do you enforce “the rules” for yourself and your family? Share your feedback at
1. CDC. Unintentional drowning: get the facts. Accessed June 16, 2014.
2. US Department of Homeland Security and US Coast Guard. 2013 Recreational Boating Statistics. COMDTPUB P16754.27. Accessed June 16, 2014.