Preventive Care
C difficile Risk Score Identifies High-risk Patients
Key clinical point: Researchers have created a risk score identifying patients at high risk for C.
Provider Hesitancy Hamstrings HPV Vaccine Uptake
Key clinical point: Provider hesitancy is stalling HPV vaccination uptake. Major finding: 59% of primary care providers use a risk-based approach...
ACIP Updates Immunization Schedules for Children, Adolescents
Repeat Tdap Vaccination Is Safe in Pregnancy
Key clinical point: Tdap vaccination in multiple pregnancies does not increase risk of adverse events. Major finding: No significant differences...
Hospital Admissions Due to Bike Injuries Doubled Between 1998 and 2013
Postexposure Prophylaxis May Prevent Ebola Disease Development
U-shaped Link Between Physical Activity and Heart Failure
Key clinical point: A study has found a U-shaped association between total physical activity and heart failure risk in men. Major finding: Men who...
Weighted CMDS Score Predicts 15-year Diabetes Risk
Key clinical point: The cardiometabolic disease staging (CMDS) scoring system can be used as an effective quantitative measure for predicting an...
HPV Vaccine Coverage Continues to Lag
Key clinical point: Rates of HPV vaccination in the United States continue to lag behind other vaccines commonly recommended for adolescents....