1. RegiSCAR is a scoring method used for what drug reaction?
a. RegiSCAR is a diagnostic scoring method for DRESS/DIHS
b. RegiSCAR is a diagnostic scoring method for FDE
c. RegiSCAR is a diagnostic scoring method for SJS
d. RegiSCAR predicts mortality rate for AGEP
e. RegiSCAR predicts mortality rate for SJS
2. DRESS/DIHS is associated with what mortality rate?
a. 0%
b. 1%–5%
c. 5%–10%
d. 5%–30%
e. 10%–40%
3. Unlike other drug eruptions that typically develop 1 to 2 weeks after drug initiation, which drug eruption has a relatively late onset, often 3 weeks after drug initiation?
c. exanthematous/morbilliform drug eruption
d. FDE
e. SJS
4. A patient develops a morbilliform eruption 14 days after starting an anticonvulsant. What additional finding(s) make DRESS/DIHS more likely than a common morbilliform drug rash?
a. hypocalcemia
b. lymphadenopath
c. prominent facial edema
d. A and C
e. B and C
5. Which drug is commonly implicated in the nonpigmenting variant of FDE?
a. barbiturates
b. carbamazepine
d. pseudoephedrine
e. sulfonamides