
Mindfulness: Is It Relevant to My Work Life?

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Mindfulness is a purposeful activity that involves being acutely aware of what is happening now as opposed to thinking about the past or worrying about the future. In this article, Dr. Suzanne Olbricht discusses how dermatologists can employ mindfulness practices in their work lives to combat burnout.



In preparation for a presentation at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Noah Worcester Dermatological Society (April 6-10, 2016; Marana, Arizona) entitled “Burnout: The New Epidemic,” I sent out a brief survey with 4 questions, one of which asked what changes members planned to make to deal with burnout symptoms. I offered the following list of possibilities: retire early, go to more dermatology meetings, work fewer hours, see fewer patients, change jobs, leave dermatology, leave the profession of medicine altogether, restrict practice to previous patients, restrict patients to certain types of insurances only, restrict practice to self-pay patients only, and hire additional help. One of my colleagues tested the survey and suggested that I add both practicing mindfulness at work and volunteering in underprivileged settings. Mindfulness? Interesting, but it seemed unlikely that anyone would select that answer. Needing some filler answers, I added both to the list on the final survey.

Burnout is defined by episodes of emotional fatigue; development of a negative, callous, or cynical attitude toward patients; and a decreased sense of personal accomplishment.1 Survey responses showed that 58% of 48 respondents indicated that they experienced a symptom of burnout and stated that their primary issues were helplessness in the ability to shape their role or their practice, difficulty in obtaining medications that they prescribed for their patients, and too many hours at work. What did they choose as their primary actions to deal with burnout? Forty-two percent of respondents said they would work fewer hours, 38% said they would retire early, and a startling 35% said they would practice mindfulness at work.2 Because one-third of these practicing dermatologists thought they would find value in practicing mindfulness, I decided to explore this topic for its relevance in our work lives.

Mindfulness is a purposeful activity that involves being acutely aware of what is happening now as opposed to thinking about the past or worrying about the future. Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, developer of the practice called mindfulness-based stress reduction, phrases it this way: “Mindfulness is awareness, cultivated by paying attention in a sustained and particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”3 It is being rather than becoming; it is noticing internal experiences and external events rather than reacting; and it is intentional, not accidental.

Mindfulness practices include meditation, yoga, and tai chi. Buddhist monks listen to bells chime, Sufis spin by putting one foot in front of the other, and fly fishermen watch the ripples in the river. My son, a jazz musician, gets into the zone playing his bass and even senses color changes while completely losing track of time and space. I enjoy walking with my camera, looking intently for little things in the right light that will make interesting photographs. Then, I work on the right framing for that view before I take the photograph. The process keeps me in the moment, visually appreciating what I see, with no room for anxiety about my long must-do list.


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