
Dressing Up Psoriasis


Suffering for fashion is a time-honored tradition, from bustles and corsets to sky-high heels and pointy toes. But psoriasis patients (approximately 7.5 million adults in the United States) suffer even more than most. And 80% have plaque-type psoriasis, which can make it especially tough to find clothes that don't irritate their skin, let alone clothes with style.

Fortunately, there are some fashion doctors in town: Tim Gunn, who mentors up-and-coming designers on "Project Runway," and Dr. Susan Taylor, founder of the Skin of Color Center at St. Luke’s and Roosevelt Hospitals in New York, Ny.

Courtesy flickr user zehhhra (Creative Commons)

Scarves help dress up a plain outfit, while covering plaques on the neck.

In an online collection of videos called "Psophisticated Style: A Guide to Everyday Style and Psoriasis," Dr. Taylor and Gunn provide personalized fashion advice to five psoriasis patients. The patients were selected in a contest that was part of an ongoing "Addressing Psoriasis" public awareness campaign sponsored by Amgen and Pfizer (yes, both of these companies make psoriasis drugs, as if you had to ask).

The videos are fun, funky, and fashion-forward, with some style tips that anyone – psoriasis patient or not – can use.

The Fabulous Fabrics video includes suggestions about choosing breathable fabrics, such as cotton, linen, and silk. But, as Dr. Taylor notes, it's important to experiment with different fabrics, because what feels good to one person may not be comfortable for another, breathable or not. She mentioned how one of her patients prefers the feel of polyester to cotton, and simply makes an effort to stay in air-conditioned comfort when wearing it.

A key tip from the Awesome Accessories video reminds us about using scarves to update a look – and cleverly conceal problem plaques on the neck.

In the Seasonal Styling video, we learn to try gray instead of black for suits or dresses, because gray is less likely to show the skin flakes that are inevitable for many psoriasis patients.

And here's Gunn's tip on proportion and the rule of thirds: Don't let your outfit cut you exactly in half; it’s not a good look for anyone. I feel more stylish already!

Heidi Splete (on twitter @hsplete)

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