
Vaginal and Scrotal Rejuvenation: The Potential Role of Dermatologists in Genital Rejuvenation

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To the Editor:

I read with interest the informative Cutis article by Hashim et al,1 which not only summarized the key features of vaginal rejuvenation but also concisely reviewed noninvasive treatments, including lasers and radiofrequency devices, that can be used to address this important issue. The authors emphasized that these treatments may represent a valuable addition to the cosmetic landscape. In addition, they also asserted that noninvasive vaginal rejuvenation is an expanding focus of cosmetic dermatology.1

Genital rejuvenation includes rejuvenation of the vagina in women and the scrotum in men. Since the term initially appeared in the literature in 2007,2 a PubMed search of articles indexed for MEDLINE yields an increasing number of articles on vaginal rejuvenation. More recently, the concept of scrotal rejuvenation was introduced in 2018.3

Similar to vaginal rejuvenation, scrotal rejuvenation includes procedures to remedy medical or cosmetic conditions of the scrotum. Hashim et al1 focused on morphology-associated vaginal changes for which rejuvenation techniques have been successful, such as excess clitoral hood; excess labia majora or minora; vaginal laxity; and vulvovaginal atrophy, which is considered to be a component of genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Morphology-associated changes of the scrotum include wrinkling (cutis scrotum gyratum or scrotum rugosum) and laxity (low-hanging or sagging scrotum or scrotomegaly). Potential treatments of noninvasive scrotal rejuvenation include botulinum toxin for wrinkling and the SCROTUM (Sutures Can Raise by Orienting Threads in an Upward Manner) procedure for laxity.3,4

Intrinsic (aging) and extrinsic (trauma) alterations also can result in other changes that may be amenable to vaginal or scrotal rejuvenation; for example, in addition to changes in morphology, there are hair (eg, alopecia, hypertrichosis) and vascular (eg, angiokeratomas) conditions of the vagina and scrotum that may be suitable for rejuvenation.3-5 Dermatologists have the opportunity to provide treatment for the genital rejuvenation of their patients.

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