Hospital Consult

Barriers and Job Satisfaction Among Dermatology Hospitalists

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Compensation for Inpatient Dermatology Consultation
The most commonly reported compensation models for DHs were fixed salary plus productivity or performance incentives and fixed salary only models (49% [18/37] and 32% [12/37], respectively), with relative value unit (RVU) models and other models less frequently reported (16% [6/37] and 3% [1/37], respectively). Only 46% (17/37) of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with their institutions’ compensation models; the remainder (54% [20/37]) were either neutral, unsatisfied, or very unsatisfied regarding their institutions’ compensation models. Overall compensation satisfaction was higher, with 60% (22/37) of DHs reporting they were satisfied or very satisfied with their salaries and 41% (15/37) reporting they were either neutral or not satisfied. The majority (60% [2/37]) of respondents felt that fixed salary plus productivity or performance incentives models would be the ideal compensation model for DHs.

Of the DHs whose compensations models were RVU based (6/37 [16%]), 67% (4/6) said they receive incentive pay upon meeting their RVU targets. No respondents reported that they were expected to generate an equivalent number of RVUs when performing inpatient consultations as compared to an outpatient session. Only 32% (12/37) of respondents reported keeping the revenue/RVUs generated by inpatient dermatology consultations; most (57% [21/37]) noted that their dermatology divisions/departments keep the revenue/RVUs, followed by university hospitals (27% [10/37]), schools of medicine (11% [4/37]), and departments of medicine (3% [1/37]). The remainder of respondents (22% [8/37]) were unsure who keeps the revenue/RVUs generated by inpatient dermatology consultations.

Most respondents (70% [26/37]) reported that the revenue (or RVU equivalent) generated by inpatient dermatology consultations does not fully support their salary for the time spent as consultants. Rather, these DHs noted sources of additional financial support, primarily the DHs themselves (69% [18/26]), followed by dermatology divisions/departments (50% [13/26]), departments of medicine (23% [6/26]), university hospitals (23% [6/26]), and schools of medicine (12% [3/26]).

Job Fulfillment Among DHs
Most respondents said they choose to provide inpatient dermatology consultations due to their interest in complex medical dermatology and their desire to work with other medical teams and specialties (92% [34/37] and 76% [28/37], respectively). Seventy percent (26/37) said they choose to provide inpatient consultations to be able to teach medical students and residents as well as to take advantage of the added opportunities to practice in a variety of settings beyond their outpatient clinics (57% [21/37]). Only 3% (1/37) of respondents reported that they provide inpatient dermatology consultations because they are “required to do so.”

Most DHs (84% [31/37]) said they feel their institutions as well as their dermatology divisions/departments value having access to inpatient dermatology services, though some did not feel this way (16% [6/37] neutral or strongly disagree). Nearly all respondents (97% [36/37]) felt they provide a critical service when performing inpatient dermatology consultations. All respondents (100%) said they found providing inpatient dermatology consultations fulfilling, and 65% (24/37) said they prefer providing inpatient dermatology consultations to spending time in clinic. Of the DHs who were surveyed, 68% (25/37) said they were satisfied with the balance of outpatient and inpatient services in their clinical practice and 30% (11/37) said they were not.


Factors such as patient care, hospital infrastructure, and procedural support have all been cited by DHs as crucial aspects of their contributions to the care of hospitalized patients.14 Of those surveyed in the present study, 97% felt they provide a critical service within their division/department and 84% felt their divisions/departments value the services that they provide. Nearly half of DHs surveyed said they regularly consult for patients with life-threatening or potentially life-threatening skin disorders several times weekly, and most receive consultation requests from multiple departments, reinforcing the critical role that dermatologists still play in the hospital setting.

Dermatology is primarily an outpatient specialty, and our study highlighted several important challenges for providers performing inpatient dermatology consultations. A major issue is time expenditures, including additional teaching requirements, additional electronic medical record training, and credentialing requirements. Travel time to inpatient hospital sites does not appear to be one of these hindering factors; nearly 60% of respondents rated their travel time/effort as very easy, with approximately 75% of respondents’ consultation locations being either at the same physical location as their main outpatient clinic or less than 15 minutes away. Maintaining easy travel between outpatient and inpatient settings is important to the success of the DH.

Our data suggest that compensation of DHs is a potential limitation to providing inpatient dermatology care. Our survey reinforced that providers who do inpatient dermatology consultations generally do not generate the revenue necessary to cover these efforts. More than 40% of DH respondents said they either feel neutral about or unsatisfied with their overall salary, and more than half said they feel similarly regarding their institutions’ compensation models. Most respondents said that a fixed salary model plus productivity or performance incentives is the ideal compensation model for those providing inpatient dermatology consultations, though only half said they actually are compensated according to this model. This discrepancy highlights the disconnect between the current accepted compensation models and the DH’s ideal model and provides direction for dermatology chairs and division heads as to what compensation model is preferable to support the success of DHs at their institutions.

Despite the barriers and compensation constraints we identified, DHs report high job satisfaction, which we hypothesize could combat burnout. In our study, all DHs surveyed say they find providing inpatient dermatology consultations fulfilling, and most were satisfied with the amount of time allotted for consultations. Some of the possible reasons why DHs may find their work fulfilling include increased time for teaching trainees and learning about patients and their conditions while consulting, as well as a preference for providing inpatient dermatology consultations to spending time in clinic. Most DHs said they choose to provide inpatient dermatology consultation rather than do so as a requirement, primarily due to their interest in complex medical dermatology and their desire to work with other medical teams/specialties; thankfully, only a small percentage said they provide these consultations because they are required to do so.

This study was conducted to analyze job satisfaction among DHs who provided inpatient dermatology consultations and determine common barriers and obstacles to their job satisfaction. Limitations to our study included the small sample size and the possibly limited representation of the intended population, as only the members of the SDH were surveyed, potentially excluding providers who regularly perform inpatient dermatology consultations but are not members of the SDH. Further limitations included recall bias and the qualitative nature of the survey instrument.

Final Thoughts

There was near-unanimous agreement among the DHs we surveyed regarding the importance of the role they play in their divisions/departments, but there are clear barriers to provision of inpatient dermatology consultation, specifically relating to extraneous time expenditures and compensation. Despite these barriers, the majority of respondents said they are very satisfied with the role they play in the inpatient setting and feel that their contributions are valued by the institutions where they work. Protecting these benefits of providing dermatology hospital consultations will be critical for maintaining this high job satisfaction and balancing out the barriers to providing these consultations. Protecting the time required to provide consultations is paramount so DHs continue to gain fulfillment from teaching trainees, caring for complex patients, and maintaining their place as valuable colleagues in the hospital setting.

The authors thank the members of the SDH for their participation in this survey.


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