Livin' on the MDedge

Shift schedule today could worsen that stroke tomorrow


Appetite for etymology

Today on “It’s a Thing,” we examine various states of hunger and what they should be called. Our first guest is that historically hungry royal person, King Henry VIII of England. Your majesty, have you ever been “hangry?”

this broken egg is hangry PxHere

KH8: First, let me thank you for inviting me on the show, Maurice. I’m a huge fan. A recent study done in the United Kingdom and Austria showed that “hunger is associated with greater levels of anger and irritability, as well as lower levels of pleasure,” according to a Eurekalert statement. So, yes, I have been “hangry.”

Maurice: Now to our next guest. Martha Stewart, can you add anything about that study?

Martha: Happy to, Maurice. The 64 participants used a smartphone app to record their hunger levels and emotional states five times a day for 21 days. It’s the first time that “hanger” was studied outside a lab, and it showed that hunger “was associated with 37% of the variance in irritability, 34% of the variance in anger, and 38% of the variance in pleasure recorded by the participants,” the investigators said in that statement.

Maurice: It’s official, then. Hangry is a thing, and we don’t need to put it in quotes anymore. Now let’s meet our third and final guest, Betty Crocker. Betty, I’m told you have a study to plug.

Betty: That’s right, Mo. Researchers at Tel Aviv University looked at survey data from almost 3,000 men and women and found that men ate 17% more food during the warmer months (March to September) than they did the rest of the year. Among women, however, caloric intake did not change.

KH8: I saw that study. Didn’t they put 27 people out in the sun and then take blood samples?

Betty: Indeed they did, Hank. After 25 minutes of sun exposure, the 13 men felt hungrier than before, but the 14 women did not. The men also had higher levels of ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating hormone, than the women.

Maurice: To sum all this up, then, we’ve got angry and hungry officially combining to make hangry, and now it looks like the sun is causing hunger in men, which makes them … sungry?

Martha: It’s a thing.

Chicken cutlets with a side of COVID

You stopped at the drive through at McDonald’s on the way home from work, and while you’re looking for something sweet in the refrigerator for dessert, you see that chicken breast that expires today.

freezer with frozen food Richard Franki/MDedge News

Freezing meat that’s about to expire might be your go-to so it doesn’t go to waste, but it’s been found that SARS-CoV-2 can live in meat that’s been in the refrigerator or freezer for more than a month.

Researchers exposed chicken, beef, pork, and salmon to surrogate viruses that are similar to COVID but not as harmful and stored them in freezers at –4° F and in the refrigerator at 39.2° F. “We even found that the viruses could be cultured after [being frozen for] that length of time,” lead author Emily Bailey, PhD, of Campbell University in Buies Creek, N.C., said in Study Finds.

The team began its research after hearing of COVID-19 outbreaks where there were no reports of community transmission, such as in Southeast Asia. Tracing eventually led to packaged meats as the culprits in those cases. SARS-CoV-2 is able to replicate in the gut, as well as the respiratory tract, so it could affect the gut before respiratory symptoms start. It is crucial to ensure cross contamination doesn’t occur, and inadequate sanitation prior to packaging needs to be addressed, the investigators said.

Honestly, we didn’t think anything could survive in a freezer for that long, but SARS-CoV-2 is a fighter.


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